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Teenage Job Seekers:
Teenage Job Seekers:
Teen Jobs Revolutionises Recruitment

It all started with the question - there must be a faster, easier and cheaper way to connect with job seekers? Teen Jobs uses kiwi ingenuity to flip recruitment on its head. Job seekers create a profile then employers choose appropriate candidates!

Completely free to search our network Fast and easy to find a suitable candidate Filter teenagers by work type, locations and availability. Search Job Seekers
How Teen Jobs Works

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Cooper McKay Comment

Karolyn wanted a team of teenagers to get her entire, rather overgrown, property back into shape, so she used Teen Jobs.

"They were amazing. They turned up on the dot, brought all their own gear and they problem solved, consulted and were all about what they could do for the client."

"They were the politest young men, they blew me away!"

- Karolyn Timarkos, Teen Jobs Employer Read the Full Article by The Weekend Sun

Only Pay to Contact Your Perfect Candidate

Why pay for access to job seekers who don't suit your job? With Teen Jobs, you can view profiles and contact the first three job seekers for free, ensuring a good fit.

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We're Creating Tomorrows Workforce

At Teen Jobs, we are on a mission to provide New Zealand's youth with life skills to establish good work habits in our next generation!

Why Employ Teenagers? Teenagers are a blank slate, so you can influence their attitudes and establish good work habits. Teenagers prefer part time work, so it provides a lot more flexibility to manage your labour requirements. When saving for a goal, teenagers are very motivated. Teenagers can approach old problems in a fresh way. Work Hard | Play Hard Initiative - See what motivated teenagers can do.
Ready to Find Your Perfect Candidate?
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Teen Jobs | Find a Babysitter in Auckland - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Christchurch - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Dunedin - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Hamilton - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Invercargill - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Palmerston North - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Napier & Hastings - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Nelson - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in New Plymouth - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Rotorua - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Tauranga - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Wellington - Teen Jobs Find a Babysitter in Whangarei - Teen Jobs Applicant | Applicant | Search Applicants Applicant | Sign Up Applicant | List an Online CV Applicant | About Us Teen sets up own job search website after struggling to find work Young entrepreneur taps job market Tapping talent market - Teen Jobs news Article - The Weekend Sun & SunLive Teen Jobs feedback from employer (testimonial) - Teen Jobs news Article - The Weekend Sun & SunLive Teen Jobs on Young Innovator Awards - YiA Wonderworld Maze Rotorua - 3D Mega Maze Rotorua - Things to do Rotorua